Wednesday, April 29, 2009

On rappel!

Okay then, so this is my first blog. Created partly due to peer pressure, and partly due to an unwillingness to spam my Facebook page with a continuous barrage of photos and videos I will undoubtedly take now that I have a new camera to take it all with.

This site will pretty much be related entirely to canyoneering and other outdoor adventures, but will more than likely have off-topic things thrown in as well if I get bored enough or just feel like speaking my mind - because I'm not gonna make a whole 'nother blog just for the scarce other-stuff.

So just as a teaser, or first image, or whatever... of what will be the soul of this blog... here's a good starting pic - a friend of mine about to rappel down a 120-foot waterfall:

So the word-filled description: Canyoneering is the technical descent of canyons. Using a harness, rope, and other technical gear, canyoneers hike up into mountains and follow the watercourse back down through canyons. Sometimes the canyons are dry, but if they are flowing, you end up rappelling right into and through waterfalls, something pretty damn awesome.

I'll be sure to post as often as I have something to talk about. There'll be posts on all things related to canyoneering, not just "today I did this" sort of posts. Hopefully this'll be kept interesting for all of you who come along!

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