Monday, May 18, 2009

More water than usual...

So two days ago, Sunday, my cousin and I hit up Sport Chalet's "Discover SCUBA" program, which is a free pool-based SCUBA experience. You get like 45-60min in the pool, they teach you the simple basics of how to breathe with the regulator, remind you to equalize, and just let you swim around and have fun once you're set and comfortable.

It's something I'd thought would be cool to try for a while, though I've never been in love with swimming (I can swim perfectly fine, mind you :P). Anyway, SCUBA.... was RIDICULOUSLY awesome. I could not believe how much fun it was, totally did not expect to be hooked so quick. Definitely gonna go for getting certified over the summer.

My cousin Kenny and I were in the pool for a good hour, I think the most time we spent underwater continuously was like 25min. Would have been longer but they had to pull him up and swap out his tank since his first one was getting low. He had a blast too, pretty sure he's in love with it. I have never had so much fun in the water. From playing underwater catch with the torpedoes (without a time limit on your breath) to doing these crazy acrobatics like you're on the moon... can't wait to do it again!

I had a little mishap myself while under. My mask was a little loose. Not loose enough to matter - until I forgot to exhale through my mouth instead of nose and got water in it, and up my nose, and so I shot out of there to get the water out. Floating is hard when you have your BC (buoyancy control) vest set to keep you underwater haha.... fighting just to keep yourself up above the water. I think part of my problem that first time under for a few minutes was I kept taking like... half-breaths I'll call them. Without fully exhaling, I guess your lungs just start to fill up with carbon dioxide. So I start making sure I exhaled completely, which made it tons more comfortable. It's the simple things :)


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